
Martin has been leading workshops, retreats, and gatherings on Quaker themes for many years. Contact him at if you are interested in bringing him to your meeting or event center. Some types of workshops he’s led include:
- “Quakerism 101” classes for meetings, typically held every week for 4-6 sessions;
- Presentation about some aspect of Quaker outreach or our testimonies for a meeting’s religious education class or as part of a quarterly- or yearly-meeting program.
- Weekend or week-long retreats on a specific theme.
Powell House Center (Retreat leader): “Truth and Integrity,” an online retreat, part of the Testimonies to Mercy Series. February 10–11, 2023.
Cropwell (N.J.) Meeting (Presenter): “The Quaker Peace Testimony Today,” presentation for adult First-day School. Marlton, N.J. November 6, 2023.
Salem Quarterly Meeting (Speaker): “Friends Journal and QuakerSpeak,” presentation for a collection of Southern New Jersey meetings. Woodstown, N.J. March 8, 2020.
Green Pastures Quarterly Meeting and Kalamazoo Friends (Workshop leader): “Friends, Social Media, and Ministry in the Present Age.” Kalamazoo, Mich. March 7-8, 2014.
Haddonfield Friends Meeting (Speaker): “Sharing the Good News with Social Media,” presentation for First-day school adult class. Haddonfield, N.J. October 20, 2013.
Quaker Leadership Conference (Panelist): “Friendly Marketing: Minding the Message,” Earlham School of Religion, Richmond, Ind. Panel discussion with Margaret C. Stark, Tom Farquhar, and Chris Hardie. August 18, 2013.
Quakers Uniting in Publications (Co-Presenter): “From Do-It-Yourself to Big Quaker Publishing: The Spectrum and How it Serves Readers and Writers.” Pendle Hill Conference Center, Wallingford, Pa. Co-presented with Gabriel Ehri. May 12, 2012.
Abington Friends Meeting Adult Class (Speaker): “Lessons on Vocal Ministry from Early Friends,” talk given at First-day school adult class. Jenkintown, Pa., November 6, 2011.
Earlham School of Religion (Class Guest): “Writing for Today’s Media Market” taught by J Brent Bill. Richmond, Ind. (via video). May 24, 2011.
Pacific Northwest Quarterly Meeting (Panelist): “Simplicity, Integrity, Clarity: What is Plain Speech Today?” Washington State (via video). April 16, 2011.
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting (Speaker): “Finding Fellowship Between Friends Through the Internet,” part of the “Friends 2.0: New Tools for Our Faith” speaker series. Philadelphia, Pa. September 11, 2010.
Quakers Uniting in Publications (Panel Speaker): Writer’s conference. Richmond, Ind. (via video). April 2010.
Pendle Hill (Associate Teacher): “Convergent Friends and the New Monastics.” Pendle Hill Conference Center. Weekend workshop co-led with C. Wess Daniels. Wallingford, Pa. May 2010.
Salem (N.J.) Quarterly Meeting (Speaker): “An Introduction to Convergent Friends.” Salem Quarter Meeting. Greenwich, N.J. September 13, 2009.
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting Young Friends (Facilitator): “Friends Testimonies, What Canst Thou Say?” Two-part session for summer gathering. Camp Onas, Ottsville, Pa. August 25, 2009.
Ben Lomond Friends Center (Co-leader): “Reclaiming the Power of Primitive Quakerism.” Weekend workshop co-led with Robin Mohr and C. Wess Daniels. Ben Lomond, Calif. February 2009.
Friends Council on Education (Presenter): “Friends Schools and Web 2.0” (video). Panel discussion. Germantown Friends School, Philadelphia, Pa.. January 2009.
Friends Council on Education (Presenter): Religion and Technology Teachers Peer Network. Philadelphia, Pa., December 2007. Also available as Google Slideshow Presentation
Ohio Yearly Meeting Sessions (Co-presenter): Panel on Convergent Friends movement during annual sessions. Panel with C. Wess Daniels. Barnesville, Ohio, August 2007.
Moorestown (N.J.) Friends Meeting Quakerism 101 (Teacher): Four-session introductory course. Moorestown, N.J. October-November 8, 2006.
Friends General Conference Gathering Interest Group (Co-faciliator): On Fire: Renewing Quakerism Through a Covergence of Friends. Tacoma, Wash., July 3, 2006.
William Penn Charter (Class Guest): Quakerism classes, William Penn Charter School. Philadelphia, Pa.. April 2006.
New York Yearly Meeting Powell House Center (Workshop Leader): Food for Fire. Old Chatham, N.Y. February 2006.
Friends General Conference Gathering (Workshop Co-leader): Strangers to the Covenant. Five session workshop for high-school Friends co-led with Zachary Moon. Normal, Ill., July 2005.
Medford (N.J.) Friends Meeting Quakerism 101 (Teacher):, Six session introductory course. Medford, N.J. September-November, 2004.
Central Philadelphia (Pa.) Friends Meeting Quakerism 101 (Teacher): “Living in the Light” (one session). Philadelphia, Pa. March 2003.
Communications Consulting
This is a partial list of organizations that Martin has worked with. In addition, there are many individual websites; specialties included journalists and local businesses.
Alliance Cemetery
Church Preservation Society
Earlham College
Fellowship of Reconciliation
Friends Council on Education
Friends General Conference
Friends Journal
Friends World Committee for Consultation
Jewish Peace Fellowship
National Campaign for a Peace Tax Fund
Pax Christi USA
Pennsylvania Ballet
Quaker Ad Network
Reconstructionist Rabbinical College
Salem (N.J.) Quarterly Meeting
Tract Association of Friends
United Friends School
Veterans for Peace
War Resisters League
William Penn Charter School